Thursday, May 14, 2009

Think Victory

‘We are what we think. All that

we are arises with our thoughts. With

our thoughts, we make the world.’

Most of us have been taught to base our self worth on accomplishments, skills, our physical appearance, financial success and so on. So when we are suddenly knocked by life – lose our jobs, or a relationship we are dependent on, our self-confidence is challenged. Not good enough, whispers that voice in most of us. How do we quell it and allow the strength to take our instead? Our self-esteemed and self-image are developed by how we talk to ourselves. Everyone has an inner critic and if we let it take the upper hand, it will would your sense of self and make it harder for you to feel competent and happy in the world.

We live in times of great change and the only way we can move through this easily is by thinking constructively.

While your self-regard may be influenced by you interaction to others and your experiences in the world, in the final analysis, it’s in your hands. If you believe that you can handle the problems life has presented you with, you will do so. Feeling good about yourself is about more powerful tool you have to help you navigate your way through tumultuous times. Changing your internal banter is one way of activating the marvellous miracle working power in your own subconscious mind….

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