Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ditch That Bottled Water!

June 5 every year is marked for the World Environment Day. Every year tonnes of pledges and millions of agendas are spoken about. Many goals have been reached, but it is still miles to go before I sleep.

Your Planet needs you– Unite to combat climate change.

This year pledge to stop using bottled water, at least start trying. I see families completely relying on bottled water. Today having a bottled water in hand is a symbol of prestige than need and is as common as may be a cell phone in hand.

It seems more like a marketing strategy of commercial businesses . What do they sell– healthy, pristine waters right from the glaciers, healthy active people gulping down water from the bottle.

Why Do We Need Bottled Water?

I know, safety is the first issue that comes to your mind. We just fail to trust out local tap water. Until you read this:

According to WHO the only difference between bottled water and tap water is that it is made available in PET(polyethylene terephthalate) bottles and not through pipes.

A four year long study by Natural Resources Defense Council showed that on testing thousand bottles sold in the United States, about one fifth contained deadly chemicals such as toluene, xylene, or styrene–known or possible carcinogens and neurotoxins…

To Read More Click Here

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