Friday, April 17, 2009

Organ Donation Myths And Facts

A single organ donor can help save over 50 people There is a long list of people who wait day in and day out for someone to come forward and donate their organs. Perhaps no other medical procedure has generated the amount of myth, mystery and even a sense of the macabre as organ donation. If you’ve delayed your decision to be a donor because of fear or a misconception, here are answers to some common organ transplant myths and concerns.

Myth: Carrying a Donor Card or Having Organ Donor noted on driver’s license is all one needs to be an organ donor.

Fact: These cards are definitely legal documents, but orgnan donation is an issue to be discussed with family before you make a decision. You family must understand your wishes so that they can turn your wish into reality when you are no longer there.

Myth: Only hearts, livers, and kidneys can be transplanted.

Fact: Apart from vital organs, pancreas, liver, lungs and intestines; even tissues like the eyes, skin, bone, heart valves and tendons….

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